Work field

The companies associated to Abrapalma developed their activities in the state of Pará. The production is concentrated on the following cities: Abaetetuba, Acará, Aurora do Pará, Barcarena, Benevides, Bujaru, Capitão Poço, Castanhal, Concórdia do Pará, Irituia, Igarapé-Açu, Igarapé-Miri, Moju, Mãe do Rio, Santa Bárbara, São Domingos do Capim, São Miguel do Guamá, Santo Antônio do Tauá, Santa Izabel do Pará, São Francisco do Pará, Tailândia, Terra Alta and Tomé Açu.

Get to know the IBGE data about each city that produces palm oil in Pará in detail.

How we act

The legal landmark that orients the production of palm oil in Brazil is called Agro-ecological Zoning (ZAE) of Palm Oil. The document was produced by Embrapa in 2010 from the combined efforts of a group of renowned scientists and specialists, and is regulated by the 1.172/2010 Federal Decree. As a legal instrument, the ZAE of palm details eligible areas and indicates priority regions for culture among those that already have been subjected to anthropization and degradation.

Get to know the document in their entirety.

A case study

In 2012, the company Diagonal concluded a socio-environmental study to try to get a “picture” of nine cities that are under the influence of its acting. The goal was to obtain data about health, education, safety, economy and cultural aspects in order for the company to take a stand on municipal and state politics that are necessary for the development of the communities.

According to the study, the current interventions on the territory must advance in consistent and systematic dialogue with the local populations, seeking to empower them as social and economic actors.

EXPAND YOUR VISION: Palm Oil Chain – Sustainable Model (in portuguese)